How Cashmere Can Elevate Your Wadrobe

Embrace Cashmere's Unrivaled Softness and Style

By: Kim Keller, Clothier - Dallas, TX
November 30, 2023

If you're looking for the ultimate in luxury, cashmere is a material you absolutely need to consider. At Tom James, we are pleased to offer men's and women’s cashmere in a wide array of styles and colors to suit your taste and lifestyle. For example, we offer custom cashmere outerwear like top coats and pea coats, cashmere pants, blazers, and overshirts, and custom cashmere sweaters along with women's cashmere jackets, suits & dresses. Cashmere is well-known for its soft, warm, and cozy characteristics, but did you know there's a lot more to this luxurious material? In this blog, we will explore the world of cashmere: where it comes from, how it's made, and why it's such a coveted material in the world of fashion. 

What is Cashmere?

Cashmere is a natural, soft fiber made from the hair of the cashmere goat. It's silk-like, lightweight, and incredibly warm, making it a highly sought-after material in the fashion industry. Cashmere comes in different grades, but the highest quality cashmere is the most sought-after. Grade A Cashmere is the highest quality you can get. It's sourced from the softest, finest fibers of the cashmere goat.

How is Cashmere Made?

Cashmere is made from the luxurious undercoat of the Kashmir goat. During the shedding season, the undercoat is gently combed to release the fibers. The fibers are then collected, cleaned, and spun into yarn. The yarn is then woven into the materials we know and love to create cashmere fabrics. The fibers' unique qualities come from the fact that they're hollow, so they trap air and create an insulating barrier against the cold. 

Why is Cashmere so Expensive?

Cashmere is expensive due to the long, labor-intensive process of collecting and processing the goat's undercoat. It takes years to grow and develop cashmere fibers, and it takes a great deal of care and expertise to sort, clean, and spin the fibers into yarn. Additionally, since cashmere is such a popular and highly sought-after material, its price is also driven by demand.

The Benefits of Cashmere

One of the biggest benefits of cashmere is its softness and warmth. It's the ideal material for creating sweaters, outerwear, blazers & overshirts. Cashmere is six times warmer than sheep's wool and is incredibly light and soft. Cashmere is also hypoallergenic, meaning it's less likely to cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. It also has a natural elasticity, making it excellent for custom cashmere knitwear, sweaters, and accessories like cashmere scarves. 

Popular Cashmere Clothing

When you think of cashmere, most people only think about cashmere sweaters, and while they are a staple in every wardrobe, there are many more options available. This Winter, try out some other styles, like a cashmere coat or pants, or even a luxurious cashmere scarf. Ask your TJ clothier about our fabulous Holland & Sherry cashmere wraps, shawls, and throws. If you want to experience the ultimate in luxury, then custom cashmere outerwear, blazers & overshirts are the perfect place to start.


Cashmere is a material that's highly coveted in the fashion industry for a reason. It's incredibly soft, warm, and hypoallergenic, and it has a natural elasticity that makes it ideal for cashmere knitwear, sweaters, and accessories. We hope that this guide has helped you learn more about cashmere, including where it comes from, how it's made, and why it's expensive. Contact a Tom James Clothier today to find out how you can add some cashmere to your wardrobe! 

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